Author: Deborah

I had my heart set on a home birth right from the start of this pregnancy. I had a quick labour in a midwife led unit with my first daughter so it made sense to me to stay at home.

Me in the birth pool with gas and air - home birth story

Everything started in the early hours of the 2nd June. Just after midnight I woke up to period-like cramps just like last time. They were coming ever 20-30 minutes throughout the night and I tried to get some rest between them. At this point they weren’t very painful and I just breathed through them.

It wasn’t til the morning that I told my husband that I thought it was going to happen that day. It was already longer than the 6 hour labour with Eleanor so I started to worry I was in for the long haul. Or that it would be days of on and off contractions until baby arrived (luckily it wasn’t!).

I felt a lot of the pain in my back and the contractions were becoming really irregular, anything between 3-15 minutes apart. Much of the morning was spent in a deep bath which I kept topped up with hot water. I alternated between a bath and bouncing on my ball watching Friends (which is what I did when in labour with Eleanor too).

Calling labour line

By lunchtime I called for a midwife to come out. She felt my bump and said baby was moving around into a better position from her back being on my right to on my left, which is why I was getting so much back pain. She recommended a walk and lots of leaning forward to get her moving.

birth pool in a box mini - home birth story

foil on the windows - home birth story

We headed out and walking really helped the pain. I could barely feel the contractions while walking which was great. After a windy walk around the field I got back into the bath to relax. While I did this my husband got the birth pool ready and all the towels around. I hired a Birth Pool in a Box mini from Gentle Births Birthing Pool Hire, who were absolutely fab! To block out day light, we covered our windows were covered in foil, and we had led candles, music playing and my diffuser running. It was so relaxing.

Getting the pool ready

At 4:30 the midwife came back and examined me. I wasn’t expecting much but she said she thought I was 6.5cm but couldn’t tell as my waters were bulging. But it meant it was time to fill up the pool! I was desperate to get in. I remember being in the pool with Eleanor and it felt so good.

The second midwife turned up with some gas and air so I relaxed in the pool with that and completely zoned out. I focused on the music and my breathing. I’d been listening to my birthing playlist for weeks (and I still do now) so it really helped me to focus on my breath.

Me and baby girl on the sofa post birth

baby fingers - home birth story

Super speedy

I’m not sure where the next hour went. But at 18:06 my waters broke in the pool and I stopped using the gas and air so that I could feel everything. It was absolutely amazing to feel her head come out and then her turn around before shooting out and swimming up to Daddy. He caught her and put her on my chest at 18:15. It was magical. I can’t quite believe I did it. That was my dream birth.

I seem to have really good positive births and then we end up in hospital anyway. I’ll write all about that soon.

Author: Deborah

We’re on the clock trying to get Eleanor’s room decorated before baby number 2 arrives. They will be sharing the room eventually but I want to make it all hers for the time being. She’s going to have a new bed (so baby can have her cot bed) and we’re definitely going to be getting rid of the magnolia-like paint on the walls.

Toddler shared room wish list

Eleanor has been in her cot bed as a toddler bed for months now but does sometimes still fall out. I really liked the idea of a floor bed but wanted something a bit more interesting. I saw this Tipi bed on Katie Ellison’s boy room makeover video and thought it would be a perfect fit for Eleanor. The bed is the Kids Junior Tipi Bed from Cuckooland. I’m going to attach them ice lolly garland along the tip which is from Etsy.

You can kind of see a theme going on here! The wooden ice lollies are by Le Toy Van and something for her to play with as well as decor.

a child holding an ice cream - image by Jenny Smith from Unsplash

The Grimms Pastel Rainbow and Grimms Natural House I found on Babipur, which has the best selection of toys. My wish list on their is HUGE! I’ve wanted to get Eleanor a rainbow for ages that she can play with and this one will go nicely with the colours in the room. Rainbows are so versatile and can be used in so many ways.

The rainbow mobile is to go above the baby’s cotbed. We didn’t have a mobile for Eleanor when she was young but I think this one will go so well with the room that I can’t resist. And lastly is the ice cream wall hooks. I want two so that Eleanor and the baby both have somewhere to hang up their dressing gowns in the room. I can’t decide on which designs to go for yet though, they’re all fab!

Author: Deborah

My 2 year old’s favourite toy is probably whatever she can find that isn’t a toy. This is more of a list of her favourite things to do. She isn’t that bothered by her toys. Here are some of the things my toddler likes to play with at the moment.

2 year olds favourite toys

In the Kitchen

  • Tupperware
  • Bag clips
  • Filling her mini shopping baskets with food
  • Rolling and stacking the tins from the cupboard
  • Baking with me

In the Garden

  • Using a spray bottle to clean the doors and her playhouse
  • Watering the plants
  • Pushing her bubble lawn mower around
  • Stealing fruit and vegetables
  • Collecting small stones in a bucket
  • Making a water, mud and stone mixture in a bucket

In the Living Room

  • Building with her duplo
  • Making a tower with her blocks
  • Turning the TV on herself

Arts and Crafts

  • DIY playdough with her IKEA baking set
  • Putting stickers absolutely everywhere
  • Drawing on the chalkboard
  • Colouring in her hands and arms
  • Painting her hands and arms

In the Bathroom

  • Glow sticks in the bath (once these run out we won’t be repurchasing)
  • Watching her disco light
  • Trying to swim and kick her legs

Does your toddler prefer household objects? Or do they have an absolute favourite toy at the moment?

Author: Deborah

I have a very good reason for being so quiet on these parts recently: I’m pregnant. Pregnancy hasn’t taken my power of speech but it has zapped all my energy and made me feel downright awful for the past few months.

Where have I been? A pregnancy announcement.

I’m hoping that’s all ended as I leave the first trimester and head into trimester two. It’s not been easy recently. I don’t know if it was worse this time around or if it was just easier last pregnancy without a toddler to contend with. A toddler that doesn’t stop and is full of emotions.

We are super excited for a little brother or sister to arrive for Eleanor. I think she’ll be really helpful as she’s so practical at the moment. She’d much rather help me with real life tasks than play with toys. She’s also fascinated with babies at the moment. She’ll often go and watch them at a toddler group I go to.

Ideas to entertain a toddler when morning sickness kicks in

So where have I been hiding for the last 3 months? Mostly I’ve been stuck under my duvet or curled up with a blanket on the sofa. I’ve relied a little too heavily on CBeebies for my liking and it made me go stir crazy and cabin feverish. Goodness knows what it did to Eleanor, who just wants to be outside exploring all the time.

I did find a few ways to keep her entertained when I wasn’t capable of parenting: crafts and playdough. But! For one time only. One day she’ll stick tissue paper to a drawing for nearly an hour, the next day she’s bored after 5 minutes. I have to come up with something new each time, I can’t repeat it.

  • Homemade playdough with her IKEA baking set
  • Sticking tissue paper and sequins to colouring in book pages
  • Drawing with pens, crayons, chalk
  • Stickers
  • Painting wooden Christmas trees
  • Painting pictures
  • Making Christmas cards
  • Baking banana loaf (I need to be more hands-on)
  • Tortilla pizzas
  • Chocolate Krispie cakes

First Trimester Symptoms

Oh my goodness the nausea! I wasn’t actually sick but for weeks the nausea was constant and I felt like every time I moved I’d be sick. As I said, I have a fear of being sick, so I tried to move as little as possible. I had two weeks annual leave and I spent most of it in bed when my daughter wasn’t around.

I’ve had round ligament pain on and off this trimester which I don’t remember having last time round. It’s like a sharp shooting pain in my lower belly when I move, especially from lying down to getting up quickly, like out of bed. It kind of takes my breath away for a minute and then it’s gone.

My anxiety really peaked during the first trimester. I wanted an early scan, then I didn’t, then I did again. I couldn’t stop worrying that something was wrong for the first few weeks. I didn’t pay for an early scan in the end as I thought it would just be a temporary relief. I’ve also felt really low and that’s because of the nausea. For weeks it was constant and I was missing out on Eleanor and just feeling rubbish. I found it really hard for awhile but I feel like I’m through that now.

Self care in the first trimester

Support – I asked for support from my mum when I was 7 weeks, so she could look after the little one a bit more while I rested when the nausea was really bad.

Water – It’s such a simple thing and one that I always forget, especially with a toddler running around.

Snacks – I always have food on me. Something simple like a cracker, chewing gum or I made toast.

Naps – Let yourself rest. The first trimester can be absolutely knackering so I often took myself off for an afternoon nap. Not so easy on the days I work but I always gave myself time to rest. On work days that’s usually a bath when my husband gets in.

What are you top self care tips for getting through the first trimester?

Author: Deborah

My goal for 2018 was to read 24 books and I surpassed it! I read 30! I was really surprised as the previous year I read about 5. So I thought I’d share a few of my favourite books that I read in 2018 and my plans for this year. My favourites this year are ones I’ve given 5 stars to on goodreads. Where I’ve given mini reviews on the blog I’ve linked the title if you want to find out more.

From my bookshelf, 2018 favourites and plans for 2019.

Favourite books of 2018

Reading in 2019

I think I’m going to go with 20 books this year as my reading challenge. But I’ve encountered a problem. Last year I really branched out of my reading comfort zone and tried different genres and I loved them! So much so that now when I try and read chicklit I just get a bit bored. I seem to be really into crime at the moment, which aren’t always quick easy reads. So I hope I can still get through as many books this year.

Do you have a reading goal for 2019? Or are there any must read books on your to be read list?

Author: Deborah

I’ve really got into reading lately. This year I set myself the challenge to read 24 books in 2018. In 2017 I probably read about 3. So far this year I’ve read 23 and we still have months to go.


Here are a few of my favourite recent reads.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

The Help isn’t a new book but it’s been on my to be read shelf for a long time. I haven’t seen the film version yet and I definitely want to see it. I absolutely adored this book. It’s about 3 women who are completely different who come together for a project that will put them all at risk. It’s set in 1960’s Mississippi and I found myself reading in a southern accent which made me laugh.

The Midnight Line by Lee Child

I have a confession. I’m really quite partial to a Jack Reacher book. This is the twenty-second book in the series and I really enjoyed it. I’ve missed reading about Jack and this is definitely better than some of the more recent ones. In this book Reacher finds a petite West Point ring in a pawn shop in Wisconsin and goes on a journey to find out its owner.

Origin by Dan Brown

Now I’ve waited even longer for Origin than I have for Reacher. Dan Brown’s latest book of Robert Langdon has finally hit my library. Robert Langdon arrives at the Guggenheim Museum in Spain for a major announcement from futurist Edmond Kirsch. The discovery “will change the face of science forever.” This book reminded me of why I would stay up til the early hours as a teenager reading Angels & Demons. I’ve read that Dan Brown is a mediocre writer, but I don’t care. I loved this book. It was a gripping and easy read and a fascinating subject.

What have you been reading recently?

Author: Deborah

Lets get straight in with 5 happy things that have made me happy this week.

Candles arnold leung photo

  1. Switching the office and Eleanor’s room over. Eleanor now has the bigger room and space to play in. She’s not sleeping well since the move but I’m sure she’ll get used to it and it will be a lovely room for her to grow into.
  2. TOMM. Have you heard of The Organised Mum Method? I have got on top of my cleaning using Gem’s 1 week bootcamp. And from now on I’ll be sticking to her weekly cleaning plan where I only have to do 30 minutes of cleaning a day during the week with weekends off. I feel so much happier when the house is clean and tidy.
  3. I hate dark nights but this cooler weather has made me want to get candles and blankets out. I love the smell of my Fireside Treats Yankee candle. It’s the only one I like and I want to fill my house with that smell.
  4. Family. We spent the day last weekend with my husbands family. Eleanor saw her great grandma and auntie and uncle too and she had a wonderful time. It was lovely to see her feel confident and play with everyone. We went to Scotney Castle for a wander around and some lunch.
  5. Hobbies. I’ve been dabbling with teaching myself html, css and javascript so I can redesign my blog. My husband is a developer but he’s too busy at the moment and my blog is right at the bottom of his to do list. So I had the silly idea to teach myself. So far I’ve made a mockup of the homepage in html and css and I’m really happy with it. I love learning new things and challenging myself. Sometimes I think I need to be constantly challenged.

How was your week?


About me

Hi there, I’m Deborah. I live in Hampshire with my husband and spend my time baking, making and getting out in the fresh air. Find out more or get in touch.


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