Hello Deborah homepage screenshot

I have been hankering after a new blog design since I first started this blog. I wanted something simple and clean so the content stands out and there aren’t many distractions. I also wanted something that would make me feel calm reading it.

My old design below fitted this criteria but lacked personality and I missed having a sidebar. I did have one but you had to open it yourself if you wanted to see what was within. I got bored of the design pretty quickly and just wanted something fresh and new.

Hello Deborah original design

Luckily I have a wonderful fiancé who was happy (after some pestering) to turn my scribbled design into a WordPress template. I handed him a pile of papers with ideas on and in an hour he mocked up a design in Photoshop so I could see how it looked. It was perfect! I gave him a list of must haves that I wanted in my website:

  • Responsive
  • Social media buttons
  • Widgets at the bottom of the page
  • A clean sidebar
  • Categories in the navigation
  • Disqus plugin to be kept

Hello Deborah widgets

It’s taken slightly longer to code it with pesky work and life getting in the way, but I have been so excited to make this design live and share it with you. He’s done an amazing job and I absolutely adore it.

I now get to design a couple more templates as he wants to tinker, which means pretending to create a business and dreaming up some wild ideas. Time to get my creative head on.