Just breathe quote

weekly spread

I adore the bullet journal I set up last month. It has completely given me the freedom to get the most out of a journal. Whereas with my Filofax I struggled with finding a set up that worked, with a bullet journal I can change that every day or week if I want until I find something that works for me.

I started doing monthly spreads and then dailies. After awhile I found that I wasn’t really using dailies as I work full time and don’t use my buju for work tasks/meetings. I found that I was only entering one or two things each day and it seemed a bit of a waste. There were days where I’d just move tasks from day to day when I didn’t feel like doing it, these were mostly chores – netflix is far more fun.

Weekly Spread

Bullet Journal Weekly Layout

I decided to give up dailies for a while and try a weekly setup. I turned to the Bullet Journal Junkies Facebook group for some advice and worked out this design. There are some really good examples of weekly layouts on Tiny Ray of Sunshine.

I’ve adapted it as the weeks have gone on. I started with a weekly chore tracker, but I just didn’t fill it in so I’m not including it anymore. I’ve opted for a currently loving list which I think is quite fun and will remind me what I was addicted too that week.

New Bullet Journal collections

Tracking Futurelearn in my Bullet Journal

Bullet Journal Room layout and things to do collection

I created a page to track the modules on Futurelearn, which is a site offering free online courses on a variety of subjects. I started the course Start Writing Fiction but found that I couldn’t cope with the workload so I had to stop during week 2. I hope to start another course in the summer so this collection won’t go to waste.

Another collection is a list of things to do in and around the local area. It means if we’re ever stuck for what to do one weekend I can flip to this page and get some inspiration.

What’s worked?

Bullet Journal Weekly Layout

I have been loving the weeklies so far. I really don’t have many appointments that aren’t work related, so my days along the top mostly just contain the weather. The weekly menu is working well as I use this to write my shopping list for the week. Although, like the week featured, it doesn’t work when I’m feeling too lazy to cook!

In my monthly I’ve been using the expenses section to list down everything I buy. It’s been useful to see where all my money is going and where I could cut down.

What hasn’t worked?

Bullet Journal Monthly spread

Trackers! I just don’t fill them out. The monthly and weekly trackers are goners. I like the idea of them and they look really pretty all coloured in but they just had to go. I have created a new mini tracker for doing the Headspace app, so I’ll see how that goes. The expenses section in February was far too small, so I’ve made space for it in my March layout now the tracker has gone.

How are you setting up your bullet journal for March?

Bullet Journal Headspace tracker

March setup in my Bullet Journal